machine AsrockN68S
module usb-storage
module autofs4 # Automount and autofs support
module isofs # ISO9960 file system support for CDRoms
module udf # CDRom UDF file system support
module vfat # Fat and VFat file system support
module ext4 # Ext4 file system support
module nls_cp866
module nls_utf8
module fuse
module cdrom
module fuse3
package autofs
package ntfs-3g
package fuse3
package fuse
package ts-classic # The classic ts logic for network/netfiles/hostname/mounting/telnetd/telnet/playcd
package automount
package netfiles # Adds only this package instead of the whole ts-classic. netfiles lets you get files
package ntp # Utility to obtain date & time from network
package sound-nasd # sound on your thin client from another computer or
package locale-en_US # English-US
package locale-ru_RU # Russian
package freerdp # X RDP Client - fork of rdesktop
package sshd # Dropbear secure shell server
package ccidreader # Generic USB card reader
package hdd-spindown # Sets hard drives into sleep mode (spin down) when they are idle. See thinstation.conf.sample for info.
param fastboot false # Mangles the filesystem a special way as to improve boot speed and reduce
param tsuser tsuser # Name of the user that thinstation will run as. Needs userauto package.
param tsuserpasswd *** # Do Change! Console/telnet password for non-root
param rootpasswd *** # Do Change! Console/telnet password for root
param boottheme default # Backgound picture during boot
param splash verbose # kernel splash setting (0=off, silent or verbose (default=silent)
param fbmtrr 0 # MTRR value for uvesafb (default = 0, 4 is the best) grep your log to make sure you have not set it$
param fbsm ywrap # Window scrolling method (redraw, ypan, ywrap) ywrap is best, but may not work correctly for all pe$
param bootresolution 1280x768-32
param defaultconfig thinstation.conf.buildtime # The file with default setup. No other config file is found
param basename thinstation # Used for all config/tftp/scp file names
param basepath ts6.2 # Used to determine path to tftp/scp files
param baseurl # Used to determine url to wget files
param haltonerror false # Will halt on error, default is true
param hardlinkfs true
param sametimestmp true # When enabled, the timestamps for all files and folders will be set to 00:00 of todays date in your$
param initrdcmd "gzip" # Compression mode and level of initrd file. none, gzip -9, lzma -9 ,bzip2 -9
param bootverbosity 7 # Increased vebosity when booting TS
param downloads /downloads
param bootimages "pxe"
param syslinuxtheme "default"
param allres false # Includes a lot of resolution splash images for live-cd s
param allfirmware false
param earlymicrocode false # Builds microcode initramfs for early loading
param blacklist "snd-pcsp.ko pcspkr.ko"