Доброго времени суток. если fastboot false - взлетает, хоть и долго грузит initrd, подхыатывает thinstations.conf.network и thinstations.conf-<MAC>. Гружусь и работаю с DevStation
machine nuc5cpyh
module vfat # Fat and VFat file system support
module ntfs # NTFS file system support
package overlayfs # This is needed in order for squashfs compression mode to work.
package aufs
#package ts-classic # The classic ts logic for network/netfiles/hostname/mounting/telnetd/telnet/playcd
package netfiles # Adds only this package instead of the whole ts-classic. netfiles lets you get thinstation.conf.xxx files
# from the TFTP-server
package autoruns
#package udisks
#package udisks-glue
package automount
#package networkmanager
package autonet
package ntp # Utility to obtain date & time from network
#package sound-esd # Enable sound-esd or sound-nasd if you want to be able to control
#package sound-nasd # sound on your thin client from another computer or
# your remote session.
package alsa
#package gnome-core
#package gnome-control-center
#package volumeicon
#package kismet
#package gst-plugins-base
#package gst-plugins-good
#package crystalhd
#package libva
#package iptables # IP Tables support
package cpufreq
#package cpuspeed
#package wine # Windows Application Execution Platform
#!!Locale or localization files for keyboard and fonts. (Language/Country)
package locale-en_US # English-US
package locale-ru_RU # Russian
#!!Connection Package types. Choose *at least* one!
package freerdp # X RDP Client - fork of rdesktop
###package xfwm4
###package xfwm4-extra
###package xfce4-power-manager
#package terminal # Terminal emulator for xfwm4 -- Pulls in xfwm4
#package thunar # File Manager for xfwm4 -- Pulls in xfwm4
###package gtk-2.0 # Full gtk-2.0 plus clearlooks theme
###package gtk-3.0
package gtk-theme-adwaita
package icons-cursor # Anti Aliased Mouse Cursor Theme
#package icons-hicolor # Hi-Color icons for some applications and themes. Does not really contain any icons.
package fonts-TTF-BH # This one works nicely most of the time and is small.
#package fonts-TTF-vera
#package fonts-TTF-MS # Fonts for rendering documents developed on the MS Platform.
# Might want to talk to a lawyer before using these.
bootup to check things.
#package extensions # Adds various shell commands, will increase image size.
#package extensions-x # Adds various utility s for the X Environment !!!! INCLUDES hwlister.sh !!!!
#package eGalax # eGalax TouchKit Drivers/Utility for serial and usb touchscreens by EETI.
#package installer # Wipes a drive, makes partitions and downloads thinstation from a pxe server
#package devstation # Starts a tftp server that hosts files from the boot-images/pxe folder
#package ca-bundle # Adds many standard SSL and PKI root certificats. Include this package if you have issues with certificate trusts.
#package set-resolution # Allows the user to change the resolution via the start-menu.
#package local-install # Makes it possible to install Thinstation locally on the machine but still have a central image
# management via automatic updates and version control when the client boots. For more information
# see /ts/build/Documentation/README.local-install and /ts/build/thinstation.conf.sample
# (generated during first build)
#package custom-idle # Shuts down the client based after X minutes if some applications/sessions are not running.
#package custom-background # Allows you to dynamically set a diffrent background in the conf-files when the client boots.
# For example have a background-image in the build with an error-message and then in
# thinstation.conf.network set the "regular" background. This way the user will receive an
# error message on the screen if the client was unable to get the config files from the
# Web- or TFTP-server when it booted.
#package hdd-spindown # Sets hard drives into sleep mode (spin down) when they are idle. See thinstation.conf.sample for info.
#package openssl # Probably needed by the Citrix Receiver 13.2 version.
# Parameters
### --- Miscellaneous Parameters --- ###
param fastboot lotsofmem # Mangles the filesystem a special way as to improve boot speed and reduce
# memory utilization. Cool/Dangerous . Harder to dubug other packages. (Finishing Touch)
# Set to 'true' to enable or 'lotsofmem' for slightly slower booting but no squash lag on app launch.
param tsuser tsuser # Name of the user that thinstation will run as. Needs userauto package.
param tsuserpasswd *** # Do Change! Console/telnet password for non-root
param rootpasswd *** # Do Change! Console/telnet password for root
# If this is enabled, Telnetd will be enabled.
param tsadminpasswd *** # Admin password of web interface
param xorgvncpasswd *** # VNC Access Password
param storagepasswd *** # Password for storage server
param dialuppasswd *** # Password for dialin account
param sambapasswd *** # Password for samba shares when using user mode security
#param kernelcmdline "radeon.modeset=0" # Add additional kernel command lines. e.g. disable radeon framebuffer
#param stripelf yes # Strip extraneous information from elf binaries (Maybe not Safe)
#param acpisupport disable # Tells the kernel not to load acpi modules. (Breaks some Intel Chipsets if disabled)
#param uvesafb disable # Disable uvesafb (legacy option like modesetfb)
#param extra_vid LVDS-1:d # Add an extra video= parameter to kernel cmd line (good for disabling outputs on video cards)
param bootlogo true # Enable or Disable the use of the Boot splash.
param boottheme default # Backgound picture during boot
#param splash verbose # kernel splash setting (0=off, silent or verbose (default=silent)
param splash silent
param fbmtrr 0 # MTRR value for uvesafb (default = 0, 4 is the best) grep your log to make sure you have not set it to high
#param fbnocrtc true # This is usually a good thing.
param fbsm ywrap # Window scrolling method (redraw, ypan, ywrap) ywrap is best, but may not work correctly for all people
#param fbvtotal 16 # Override Video Bios Reported Memory in MB
#param fbmaxhf 67 # Override Video Negotiated Max Horizontal Frequency
#param fbmaxvf 61 # Override Video Negotiated Max Vertical Frequency
#param fbmaxclk 155 # Override Video Negotiated Max Clock Frequency
#param fbnoedid true # Don t do video edid
#param bootresolution 1024x600-32 # Resolution used during Thinstation boot.
#param bootresolution 1024x768-32 # You can wright your own resolution mode here, if you know it.
#param bootresolution 1152x864-32
param bootresolution 1280x768-32
#param bootresolution 1366x768-32 # Otherwise, you may want to refer to the vbe_modes.list you created with hwlister.sh
#param bootresolution 1280x1024-32 # for modes that your card supports.
#param bootresolution 1400x900-32 # It is also used by xrandr if no xrandr options are specified.
#param bootresolution 1680x1050-32
#param bootresolution 1920x1080-32
#param bootresolution 1400x1050-32
#param bootresolution 1920x1200-32
param desktop file:./backgrounds/Hive_Lite.jpg # Custom image to load as desktop background
param defaultconfig thinstation.conf.buildtime # The file with default setup. No other config file is found
# during boot.
param basename thinstation # Used for all config/tftp/scp file names
param basepath boot # Used to determine path to tftp/scp files
param baseurl # Used to determine url to wget files
#param baseurl # Used to determine url to wget/http files - your local web server
#param baseurl 'http://${SERVER_IP}' # Used to determine url to wget/http files - if you wan't to use a web server on the same server as the TFTP server
#param keyfile ./id_rsa # Path for private key file used for ssh/scp
#param knownhosts ./known_hosts # Path for ssh known_hosts file for ssh/scp
#param localpkgs false # to determine is PKG files are to be loaded locally
#param fulllocales true # Use full locale support for packages
#param icaencryption false # Use ica encryption support, add 290k to image
param haltonerror false # Will halt on error, default is true
param hardlinkfs true
param sametimestmp true # When enabled, the timestamps for all files and folders will be set to 00:00 of todays date in your timezone
param initrdcmd "gzip" # Compression mode and level of initrd file. none, gzip -9, lzma -9 ,bzip2 -9
param bootverbosity 3 # Increased vebosity when booting TS
# 0 no verbose messages
# 1 boot
# 2 network
# 4 init
# 8 kernel
# 16 modules
# 32 packages
# 64 email bootlog file to SMTP server & user set in
# thinstation.conf file. This will only work
# if networking is working.
# Combinations can be used (e.g. 24 does Kernel and Module Messages)
# Leave this alone unless you can t download (wget required on your Linux box):
param downloads /downloads
#param bootimages "iso syslinux pxe refind"
#param bootserver "" # Used for the pxe image config files to specify where to download
# the syslinux image from. Result is generated in
# /ts/build/boot-images/pxe/boot/lpxelinux/pxelinux.cfg/default
# so that you can specify APPEND initrd=http://<bootserver>/boot/initrd
param syslinuxtheme "default"
param grubtheme "default"
#param httpproxy
#param bootfssize 50% # Modify the size of the tmpfs filesystem
#package alltimezone
param allres true # Includes a lot of resolution splash images for live-cd s
param allfirmware true # Includes a lot of firmwares for live-cd s
param earlymicrocode false # Builds microcode initramfs for early loading
# by kernel. Needs kernel with MICROCODE_EARLY=y.
param blacklist "snd-pcsp.ko pcspkr.ko"
#param mesa_3d disable # The Mesa 3D Graphics Library disable
AUTORUNS_RC5_0="mkdir -p /mnt/usbdevice"
FREERDP_NLA=on # OFF is adding -sec-nla
FREERDP_SOUND=sys:pulse # Equiv to adding /sound:<option>
FREERDP_CERTIGNORE=on # ON is adding /cert:ignore
ICONS_CUT_SIZES="256x256 scalable"
MOUNT_0="LABEL=boot /boot auto x-mount.mkdir,defaults 0 0"
MOUNT_1="LABEL=home /home auto x-mount.mkdir,defaults 0 0"
MOUNT_2="LABEL=swap swap swap defaults 0 0"
4 гигабайта оперативки
PXE загрузка efi повисает после скачивания initrd.
Legacy выдает
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
Мне кажется я уже перепробовал все варианты конфига с --allmodules и без
Максимум чего добился это сообщения в var/log/fastboot.log что /lib is not mountpoint
Может кто-что посоветовать?